Meditation is a natural state of the human mind—at rest, open, alert. The practice of meditation has been taught for over 2,500 years as a vehicle for realizing the beauty and magic of the ordinary world without aggression or manipulation. Meditation encourages us to connect with our inner wisdom as we explore together in “peaceful abiding”.

We begin by settling ourselves, bringing our focus and attention to ourselves and to the breath as we gently rest in the ‘moment’ allowing thoughts, worries or plans to drift away like leaves floating on a stream. This awareness allow us to notice the sensations in our bodies, guiding us to the present as thoughts rise and fall away. Like passing clouds we acknowledge them and easily let them go, without judgement.

In the stillness we continue to allow our attention on our breathing, not to empty our minds but to create more space for clarity and insight, holding ourselves in the the “arms of love and compassion”. We begin to quiet the chaos as we continue to focus our awareness on the breath and on our innate goodness.