Community Program or Event

Winter Solstice/New Year's Gathering

Please join us for a Winter Solstice community gathering on Wednesday Jan 1 at the home of Kathy Stares.  We’ll have a fire in an outdoor fire pit and do a Lhasang smoke offering.  Then we’ll go inside for dinner.  Kathy has generously offered a roast turkey and dressing, and we will bring side dishes and desserts.  Family and friends are most welcome. 

“Gift” Exchange:  Please wrap something currently owned and completely “useless” to you, and you think would be entertaining to receive.  The gifts will go under the tree for gift exchange/trading. 

Car Pool:  We will meet at the Annapolis Royal Farmers Market parking lot.  Food:  Kathy will prepare a turkey and dressing!   Please bring a dish to share.

Directions:  For directions please register or email [email protected].

Registration:  There is no fee for this event.  It would help if we knew how many people were coming.  If you have access to a computer please log on to our website ( and register.  You can check a box if you’d like to carpool, and another  if you’d like to drive others.  In the comments section you can enter what dish you’ll bring if you know. 

Annapolis Shambhala Group
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